CLICK! I can't even attempt to explain the amazingness - just laugh because that's all you can do
a juxtaposition of cultural interests + frustrations in the name of a philosophical exploration of 'self'
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
So while California does their thing, this is what Scotland's doing.
I'm moving to Scotland. This is what I'm talking about, having high standards and making real attempts to achieve them. I'm with my homepage on this one, more nations need to step-up their game and get real about the future. California take note... Scotland has an unemployment rate of 8.1., yes it's lower than California but it's still higher than that unrealistic goal of 5.5%. So just think about this, advancing technologies tend to increase jobs, not decrease them and this is because more brains are needed to achieve creativity and innovate ideas. If we resort back to using oil wouldn't that hurt the work-force in California even more since the technology is already in place for exploiting fossil fuels?
Go ahead California.. vote yes to prob 23, I dare ya, because you seem to be in such great shape right now...
I'm moving to Scotland. This is what I'm talking about, having high standards and making real attempts to achieve them. I'm with my homepage on this one, more nations need to step-up their game and get real about the future. California take note... Scotland has an unemployment rate of 8.1., yes it's lower than California but it's still higher than that unrealistic goal of 5.5%. So just think about this, advancing technologies tend to increase jobs, not decrease them and this is because more brains are needed to achieve creativity and innovate ideas. If we resort back to using oil wouldn't that hurt the work-force in California even more since the technology is already in place for exploiting fossil fuels?
Go ahead California.. vote yes to prob 23, I dare ya, because you seem to be in such great shape right now...
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
I don't live in California but if I did I'd vote NO
This above link will inform you about Prob 23, which is a proposition to put a hold on prob. 32. Proposition 32, passed in 2006, is essentially a clean energy bill, requiring California to reduce its Greenhouse gases to 1990 levels by 2020. Prob 23 will put a hold on this until unemployment levels in Cali. drop down to 5.5%... right now it's at 12% (sad I know),but right now most of the world is struggling with unemployment that is well above 5.5%
So this is how I feel...
This is fucking ridiculous, period. This is taking 5 steps backwards and setting California up for major problems. First let's get down to business: 5.5% unemployment is not possible, not now, and probably not ever - not if prob 23 actually passes. Competition is out the window, new job markets will not exist and smog will ultimately kill all residents of California anyway. I don't mean to sound uneducated with my use of wording here but I just can't image anyone voting for this that actually has a brain. Direct democracy has major potential for failure here - and we've all seen this happen already (remember prob 8 and how it created second-class citizens?) I hope California gets its act together - I can't believe this is even up for vote. Plus putting the environment on the back burner is like retro-viral drugs, it might reduce your symptoms but it's not curing shit - an economy based on oil is not a sustainable one and it will ultimately lead to even worse unemployment condtions, increased health issues and will put America even further behind other developed nation. So if you're from California or know someone who is, tell them to get off their unemployed asses and vote NO because a quick fix isn't a fix at all.
This above link will inform you about Prob 23, which is a proposition to put a hold on prob. 32. Proposition 32, passed in 2006, is essentially a clean energy bill, requiring California to reduce its Greenhouse gases to 1990 levels by 2020. Prob 23 will put a hold on this until unemployment levels in Cali. drop down to 5.5%... right now it's at 12% (sad I know),but right now most of the world is struggling with unemployment that is well above 5.5%
So this is how I feel...
This is fucking ridiculous, period. This is taking 5 steps backwards and setting California up for major problems. First let's get down to business: 5.5% unemployment is not possible, not now, and probably not ever - not if prob 23 actually passes. Competition is out the window, new job markets will not exist and smog will ultimately kill all residents of California anyway. I don't mean to sound uneducated with my use of wording here but I just can't image anyone voting for this that actually has a brain. Direct democracy has major potential for failure here - and we've all seen this happen already (remember prob 8 and how it created second-class citizens?) I hope California gets its act together - I can't believe this is even up for vote. Plus putting the environment on the back burner is like retro-viral drugs, it might reduce your symptoms but it's not curing shit - an economy based on oil is not a sustainable one and it will ultimately lead to even worse unemployment condtions, increased health issues and will put America even further behind other developed nation. So if you're from California or know someone who is, tell them to get off their unemployed asses and vote NO because a quick fix isn't a fix at all.
Monday, September 27, 2010
heady festival my friends
No plans for October? Well here ya go: Washington D.C. October 23&24th GREEN FESTIVAL! I'll be there and so will a whole buncha other folks.. including some very influential green activist. Food, workshops, speakers, CLOTHES! It's not just a conference it's a FESTIVAL to help you become even more informed and greener version of yourself.
Go Explore...
"A city should have magical places where fantasy is possible, a counter to and from the mundaneness of everyday work and living." Appleyard & Jacob.
Find your magical place loves, it's worth it.
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Florence + The Machine - Dog Days Are Over
Here's this song again, by a wonderful ginger queen, damn copy-right laws... whatever. free for life.
So amazing to see the different variations of subway systems around the world. Some are so crazy, Moscow's, London's and Shanghai's and others are so simple like Philly's or San Frans. Check 'em out!
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
An interview with the man who changed my world
Josh Farley was one of my professors during my undergrad, he, along with Herman Daly, wrote what I call my bible: Ecological Economics - it's amazing, it is a textbook but it's also a lifestyle shaper, I LOVE what it did for me and below is an interview with Josh explaining Ecological Economics.. it can get a bit dense but really if you're bored give it a read, it will change your life
love you! |
Clever idea
This is so very cool. Taking paper and wrappin' tightly around some lead and making a good old No.2
This article gives credit where it's due and even critiques its efficiency since offices probably won't end up using the pencils all that much in the long run...... however they totally fail in seeing the BIG picture:
This article gives credit where it's due and even critiques its efficiency since offices probably won't end up using the pencils all that much in the long run...... however they totally fail in seeing the BIG picture:
(-L) + ink = pen
... a biodegradable pen, which, if I'm not mistaken, would actually be the best idea to hit the water-cooler in quite some time (there are already mainstream bio-pens but this would be right in the work space, keeping shit localized). Also plenty of professions use pencils: artist, architects, accountants, mathematicians, landscape designers, fashion designers.. the list goes on. I'm not sure how this isn't already happening everywhere. I love this idea and I want one.And he makes me love him all over again
Green & innovative architecture, helping low incomes into healthy homes, helping to solve the problem instead of just finding quick fixes. A MAN AFTER MY OWN HEART word.
Monday, September 20, 2010
Sunday, September 19, 2010
Kinky Koalas
Well I never in my whole life.... what's that old saying no glove no love? I guess these little guys went to one of those abstinence preaching schools.
Age of Aquarius
I'm very much into astrology. I don't believe it predicts the future (at least not all the time) but I do believe that the stars you were born under have ever-lasting impacts on you who are and who you will be come. So if you'd like to understand a bit more about why you are the little freak that you are (because you can only blame so much on your family) take a look at this Natal Birth Chart (click on birth chart)
- You'll need to know the Date (DUH!), Time and Place where you were born, all of which can be found on your birth certificate. If you don't know the exact time, totally ball park it, but remember we are forever moving around in this universe and no two skies are ever really the same.
I Love This Fella
Matt Cranstoun is AMAZING! My roommate & I heard him play just around the corner from our apt. at Bar 4, on 15th & 7th ave in Brooklyn. He works magic on the guitar... now if he'd only work his magic on.... NEVERMIND!
I WISH I took this picture, but I did not, NY Cool did. |
I know what you've been thinking: "where are all the sexy maps you've been talkin' about?" well ladies, and gentlemen, here's a nice one and personally my favorite. It hangs in my kitchen and was given to me by my sister who has no idea how amazing this map is, but it's the thought that counts. It'll look a bit strange at first but then chew on it for a bit, let in linger and then BAM! it's got you thinking, and that's all one can ask for.
Africa is 11.6 million square miles... Greenland is 0.8 million square miles... just sayin size matters. |
This is the usual map children are shown in school. What is this the purpose of this projection anymore? This map is EXCELLENT for navigation but these days explorers aren't picking up these things and sailing around the world with only the knowledge of longitude & latitude on their side. Everything looks nice, as if it can fit together like a puzzle but I dunno... plus isn't Greenland shrinking due to hot water or something? Maybe it's time to update the school curriculum. |
You Shut That Faucet Off While You're Talking to Me!
This is definitely a way to help people realize the amount of water that is used (WASTED) during everyday activities such as brushing your teeth! Sometimes you truly don't know you're doing anything wrong because it's been going on for so long... let's make a change, baby steps that's all, baby steps!
Check out Yan Lu's website to see what else he's come up with, it's rather cool, and even if it doesn't change the world it's still great that there are loads of people out there trying new things and using their dome pieces
Check out Yan Lu's website to see what else he's come up with, it's rather cool, and even if it doesn't change the world it's still great that there are loads of people out there trying new things and using their dome pieces
These two bands are from the wonderful Pioneer Valley, the 413, Western Massachusetts, the place of my birth, whatever you'd love to call it. Give 'em a listen, they are both a little rock, a little alternative, but mostly unique. Both bands have been featured on 99.3 FM, yo (a station that dominates the airwaves of south-western New England) and their music is available for downloading (woot woot, free stuff!)
- - I went to high school with most of these guys, who moonlight as brilliant, hard-working lads who really just love making music, and have for quite some time.
- - This band I know a little less about but that means little, plus the front-man's dad is the owner of Dave's Soda & Pet Food City.. and really who doesn't love a good pet?
LCD Soundsystem - Someone Great
I LOVE LCD Soundsystem (Thank you Candace!) - and this is how my whole love affair started. This beat is unbelievable (check out their Nike "45:33" running mix, the instrumental version is apart of the mash-up) and the lyrics are wonderful; however I found out from Holy Ghost! front-man, that went on our with LCD, that no, the song is not about a miscarriage, so keep brainstorming meanings because the answer is out there!
A Cult Classic...
This is one of the BEST kids' books out there and it's often forgotten about.. I can't believe the number of times I've mentioned this book and people literally have no idea what I'm talking about. So this is for them (and maybe you)
Buy it for someone you love, a little girl perhaps, who has no idea how wonderful she really is... or for a little boy who thinks girls are gross because, well, they're girly.. or for one of those dumbass animals that we call college guys that have no respect for a girl.. just buy it, you'll love it. GIRL POWER!
Buy it for someone you love, a little girl perhaps, who has no idea how wonderful she really is... or for a little boy who thinks girls are gross because, well, they're girly.. or for one of those dumbass animals that we call college guys that have no respect for a girl.. just buy it, you'll love it. GIRL POWER!
Friday, September 17, 2010
home cookin
Bonnie Baguettes...
that right there people is a lot of cheese, 4 to be exact, and some pumpkins... and my roommate.
that right there people is a lot of cheese, 4 to be exact, and some pumpkins... and my roommate.
Sometimes it has to be about you...
Two very different approaches at looking at individuality... more so about the dangerous effects of communism, but I'm not about to go there and weigh out pros & cons of various socio-economic structures, that's for another day. Nonetheless these are both fabulous works so go get your readings on lovahs.
The Temper Trap - Sweet Disposition ::500 days of summer::
I didn't realize I liked these guys so much.. but what do ya know, I do.
I'm totally screwed
Well this is just fabulous. Check out this terrifying info.
Hmm... how shall I feel about this? Have I fed into this money-hungry cycle? I'm not a criminal, I'm a genius and this just isn't fair. Let's punish those who are doing good, and financially support those who fucking suck? (pardon my french but really this ain't good). Now just imagine you went to a for-profit college, luckily I did not or I'd probably just jump in front of the next G train. But regardless, this is a problem, everyone should have the chance to achieve higher education, and not just in the state where they attended high school. Young adults should be able to use their education as a means of exploration. Although there are plenty of bads that come with globalization, traveling, gaining knowledge and meeting amazing people are not among those bads, they are some of the best things about our current world and if you're able to get an education, a lifestyle change OR even better, a paradigm shift, while exploring I say GO FOR IT! Education is never a bad thing, thinking is not dangerous, unless you just had your heart broken. So what do we do? Go protest by locking yourself to a tree and participate in a hunger strike. I have no idea what this has to do with education reform but hey I don't have time to think about this, I have to go make money for grad school.
Hmm... how shall I feel about this? Have I fed into this money-hungry cycle? I'm not a criminal, I'm a genius and this just isn't fair. Let's punish those who are doing good, and financially support those who fucking suck? (pardon my french but really this ain't good). Now just imagine you went to a for-profit college, luckily I did not or I'd probably just jump in front of the next G train. But regardless, this is a problem, everyone should have the chance to achieve higher education, and not just in the state where they attended high school. Young adults should be able to use their education as a means of exploration. Although there are plenty of bads that come with globalization, traveling, gaining knowledge and meeting amazing people are not among those bads, they are some of the best things about our current world and if you're able to get an education, a lifestyle change OR even better, a paradigm shift, while exploring I say GO FOR IT! Education is never a bad thing, thinking is not dangerous, unless you just had your heart broken. So what do we do? Go protest by locking yourself to a tree and participate in a hunger strike. I have no idea what this has to do with education reform but hey I don't have time to think about this, I have to go make money for grad school.
Happy weekend, i love you!
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Baby Aye Aye... google the adult looking ones... I can't post it, it's far too scary |
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And this little guy looks like Benjamin Button |
Well this is interesting
Maybe Friedrich Engels's Conditions of the Working-Class in England in 1844 would have had a different outlook on urban life if only everyone composted their poop instead of throwing it out the window. But then who would have been Karl's partner in crime? And gosh what the heck would have all those swine eaten?
This is our world
Check out this website, it's obviously just a representation but it still makes you think
Did late 19th century London teach us nothing!?
I understand the need for economic productivity but not when it's based on unsustainable and unhealthy subsidies. This cannot be about economic growth (or decline), it's gotta be about development. Do I feel bad these people will be out of work? Of course. Do I care about the well-being of myself and millions of other people more? You betcha. Money is superficial, I'd like to believe we can't put a price on human life. But don't worry, other coal companies world-wide still have America to fuel their profits.
I understand the need for economic productivity but not when it's based on unsustainable and unhealthy subsidies. This cannot be about economic growth (or decline), it's gotta be about development. Do I feel bad these people will be out of work? Of course. Do I care about the well-being of myself and millions of other people more? You betcha. Money is superficial, I'd like to believe we can't put a price on human life. But don't worry, other coal companies world-wide still have America to fuel their profits.
give me some of that black gold. |
it's more than just a short film, it's a lifestyle eye-opener, share it with your neighbor because we can't change this alone...
It's more than just the beat
Lykke Li and fellow Swed Kleerup.. they do amazing things on their own too!
Exactly what you've been waiting for
A necessary way to start the weekend...
An amazing LP, makes nice for an amazing time |
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