Tuesday, February 8, 2011

design stuff

innovate + sustainable ideas began in North America.. think the organic movement of the 1960's... people used to like this landmass, enough so that we impacted development around the world - but suddenly we stopped... and we've been stuck in a money-hungry funk for nearly 40 years.  one of the most innovate ideas out there these days deals with sustainable architecture and how we reduce our footprint by starting at home. Passivhaus was a [north] American idea and it has taken off in Europe.  Check out the article, it makes you hope for a future were people care not just their home but how their home can make a difference.  Also Rau.Eu is the Dutch architectural firm RAU, founded in '92 by German Thomas Rau.. their work is incredible and their manifesto: OnePlanetArchitecture has lead to, among others, the call for a radical paradigm shift in how we consume and where responsibility for waste lies.  ENJOY!

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