Wednesday, January 26, 2011

burlington obsession

the love for burlington will always be strong.. but not nearly as strong as the love for good food and wonderful people, both of which can be found at Penny Cluse, 169 cherry st. BVT.  This a short film that documents a day in the life of penny cluse cafe.. created by Gardner, a former employee of p.c. as a parting-gift to the restaurant we all love so much. sit back and see how the most popular place in b-town gets down on a usual busy day. you will not be disappointed, if anything you'll be f'ing hungry for some huevos rancheros, homemade sausage, orzo salad, tofu scrams, etc. etc. etc. and the music done by Auggie is spot on. so ENJOY and get your butts up to P.C. and enjoy in person.

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